Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Week 9 Thing 23

THE END... or is it???

Am I really at Thing 23? I don’t think I am ready for this to be over. What a fabulous program!! I really enjoyed the way this entire program was set up. So onto my answers to Week 9 Thing 23’s questions:

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

One of the biggest discoveries for me was Zoho Writer. I had used Google Docs before but as I stated in my post that week (Week 8 Thing 18) I really was excited about the possibilities Zoho Writer has for the math classroom. Another great opportunity came with Week 6 when we ‘explored’ del.icio.us. I had the chance to take time and reacquaint myself with it and begin tagging my items—having gained a much clearer understanding of tagging. I loved finding out about piknik and image chef!! What fun... now to figure out ways to incorporate them into my math classrooms!!

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

Honestly, I think every dedicated teacher is a lifelong learner—just by the nature of the profession we chose. This program gave a clear and distinct direction while allowing me to decide on my own pace and depth of learning.

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

What surprised me the most was how easy it was to explore most of the ‘things’ in this course. Although I consider myself somewhat of a ‘techie’ person, I find myself at times getting frustrated if I can’t figure something out quickly—it’s that digital immigrant v. digital native issue. But, none of the frustration really surfaced at all with this course.

Another huge unexpected outcome—and one that I am cherishing—is that I am writing so much more. I enjoy looking at my blogs and seeing my thoughts in fairly cohesive sentences. I enjoyed creating my posts!! Now, for some of you – it isn’t a big deal but for this math-oriented person—it’s enormous!!

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

The only ‘thing’ I can think of to improve upon this program is to offer another… Thing 24 and beyond…

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? Immediately… no hesitation… I am so glad I only hesitated for a moment last May before I jumped in with both feet!!

How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote CSLA learning activities?

These learning activities really provide educators with a hands-on experience as to how to use Web 2.0 effectively!!

Thank you for designing this course—and I must thank Mary Ann for creating the LVUSD cohort!! What a great group of educators!!

I have reached the top of this mountain—but wait—there are others to climb… this is just the beginning…onto Thing 24... “to infinity and beyond…" :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 9 Thing 22

eBooks and Audio eBooks

I must say that I do not like reading any material of any substantial length—online. I tend to print out articles that I find online if they are longer than 5 pages—so I cannot imagine how I would utilize these resources for downloading any book to read on my computer. However, I am intrigued by Amazon’s new kindle device.

Photo of kathyschrockAbout one month ago, Kathy Shrock wrote about the kindle in her blog at http://kathyschrock.net/ blog/ 2008/ 06/ kathys-kindle.html and I had the opportunity to hold one in my hands—and play with it for a bit last week. I suppose if I was traveling extensively—that would be the way to read books. I checked out Plucker just to see what it could do—in case I did not want to ‘pluck’ down $400 for a kindle. I think I still like holding a book in two hands and turning the pages— I must just be set in my ways…

When I clicked on the British Library Online Gallery, I must say, I wasn’t sure what I would find—but what a find it was!! I couldn’t believe what I saw when I clicked on Jane Austen’s early work. I was baffled when I could use the mouse to turn the pages of her handwritten account of the history of England. I was equally impressed with the Golden Haggadah—but make sure you know to open this book from the left. I was impressed that the directions made sure the reader was aware of how Hebrew is written. Check this site out! I agree—this resource is AMAZING!!!

Now, when it comes to audiobooks—that is a different story!! I have been downloading audio books for my father – on his computer (using PC anywhere)—for a number of years. What a fabulous invention that is!! My father has lost most of his eyesight but has been part of a book club for years—and he did not want to give up something he enjoyed immensely—discussing books with others!! Audiobooks has enabled him to continue a passion of his—even as his eyesight failed him.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 9 Thing 21

I thought I would experiment with some of the podcast directories listed on Classroom Learning 2.0 instead of just using itunes-- which I am familiar with!! Unfortunately, both podcast.net and Yahoo links are old and do not connect-- I get the dreaded.. note that the site cannot be found.

My family (this time read my husband, my 88 year old dad, and myself) have been listening to podcasts for a number of years… usually either Leo Laporte or Click and Clack. I just discovered Sandra Loh—she is great… Although the links here are to their respective websites-- have fund listening to one of the podcast choices at the links.My husband uses podcast to listen to his books on the ipod as he takes his run around the neighborhood. I haven’t found any great podcasts for math—yet… but I think I will keep trying. I may just have to create my own-- Elisa and myself took a class on creating our own podcast over a year ago at So CA CUE Conference in Palm Springs but neither of us have done anything with that knowledge... maybe its time!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Week 9 Thing 20

You Tube

My own children (read: adult children living at home) love to show me new You Tube videos that they have discovered-- as does my husband. The ones they find to show me are quite fun-- and I do enjoy watching them.... but I struggle to find videos that I can use in my math classroom. I have a few favorites and actually want to see how I can incorporate them into my classroom-- some are not appropriate for middle schoolers... I love "What You Know about Math!" on Roland's Blog (obviously on You Tube as well)... it might be a fun way to start the year...
I absolutely love the Klein Group Finite Simple Group of Order 2 -- math terminology is woven throughout the entire song... I smile every time I watch it!!

I hope you enjoy this!!

Then, of course, there is the video we watched in Mary Ann's great PowerPoint Class last Friday... I went home and immediately shared this with my family...

You gotta' love this one

Week 8 Thing 19

Library Thing

Okay, I went ahead -- set up an account for Library Thing… although I’m not sure how I am going to use it. I love to read but only seem to get the chance during summer—especially this past year with my very full plate!! I love keeping all books-- both hard cover and soft cover-- and my books are organized according to author. (I tend to enjoy reading series books-- like Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch series and Anne Perry's William Monk series. ) I added over a dozen of my books but I think there must be an easier way to catalog them. However, I really don't want to spend an inordinate amount of time learning this... I really can't see the advantage...I doubt I will use this for my math classroom next year. I think it could be a great place to store information on books that I’ve heard about and want to read, eventually.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 8 Thing 18

Online Word Processors..
Intro to Zoho

I am experimenting with Zoho. I have used Google Docs before, although not to any great amount-- just yet. I had the opportunity to play with Google Docs at the Cue Conference last March where I MADE sure I was in one of the extremely popular Google sessions. Standing in line waiting to get into the room was an adventure itself. I meet so many wonderful and knowledgeable people. In the Google session, we practiced with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations-- we checked out Google Earth and Google Sketchup as well as Google Groups. I wonder if Zoho Writer has some of these features or if it is primarily an online word processor.

I attempted to checked out some of the templates on Zoho-- but as I clicked 'templates' I received the message.."there are no templates available." I do love the add a comment feature. (..unfortunately, I added the add a comment to my Zoho page-- it shows there but not here)

I just discovered equation editor -- or at least its equivalent!! That makes it really perfect for students to use in our math classes!!. Students are always complaining that they cannot use their computer to create math equations like . That was an easy one to do using the very user friendly toolbar!! Wow-- I am excited about the possibilities here!! I don't recall seeing an equation editor on Google Docs... I must spend some time looking there as well... This is a HUGE + for Zoho ( for math teachers and students) if Google Docs does not have this feature... Math teachers... check this out!!

I think this feature is very similar to Google Docs -- but I really like the simplicity to it.

One of the differences between Zoho Writer and Google Docs is when opening a new item. With Zoho, it appears as if one just gets a new page to set up-- with Google Docs you have the choice between a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or even just a new folder to stuff all your items !!

I can truly see how this, as well as Google Docs, can be used to collaborate -- both for students as well as teachers. Definitely need to spend time learning all the features available here!!
Posting this document to my blog was extremely easy... at first I wasn't sure if I had entered the information correctly.. but then I realized that I had posted it as a draft first -- so I could check it out before actually posting to this blog... Works great..

Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 7 Thing 17 (continued)

Check out this link!!
WebTools4u2use » home Website

This is a 'must see' for all educators-- and not just to learn about the various web2.0 tools in one place (what a great concept) but also to get what a glog can do!! I love the idea of a glog-- not the mulled wine definition but a poster produced on the web. (Check out glogster.com-- if you want... but wait until after you look at the link below) What a great tool for students and teachers! I am already thinking of the potential use for this with a number of class projects' final presentations maybe even with my back to school presentation. Can't wait to share this knowledge with my students and fellow teachers!!
WebTools4u2use » home

Posted using ShareThis

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Week 7 Thing 17

Playing in the Sandbox... very quickly wiki wiki

It took me over a week before I decided to just post something to the California Classroom Curriculum Connections (way too many cccc's) wiki called 'The Sandbox.' I really had trouble figuring out what I could possible add to the story being posted... and then it came to me... I could change directions of the post and if someone didn't care for my addition about the 'dog days of summer' he/she could delete my comments!! No worries.. be happy!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 7 Thing 16

Wiki Wiki -- It's summer and I wish I was in Hawaii...
but I had the opportunity to use a wiki for the very first time only a few weeks ago. While enrolled in my previous course ( ... if you missed my earlier postings.. I am enrolled at Walden University's online Masters of Education Program. I am beginning a new class this week), we were required to collaborate on a project. Since my fellow classmates are all over the United States, my group choose to utilize a wiki to generate ideas and complete our assignment. If you are interested, you may check out our first attempt at a wiki with our review of an Internet Project

I can see the potential for using a wiki within my classroom next year-- for collaborative learning projects as well as for homework help. A wiki could be created for students to add their own notes and thoughts about a specific math topic -- maybe adding some insights that could help others understand difficult concepts easier.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 6 Thing 15

Copyright Laws-- Right??? Copywrong...

I recently finished a class on copyright law and when my class was over, I truly believe my colleagues and myself were as confused-- if not more confused--by the copyright laws. If as Davis Guggenheim (Academy Award-winning director) states, “Even most legal experts who work on the issue have to roll the dice trying to interpret where the current line of fair use is drawn,” how can we teachers make the right choice. I know I thought that as long as I was using something for teaching—it was part of fair use… but that does not always hold.

Larry Lessig talks about people taking and recreating to say things differently in How Creativity is Being Strangled by the Law “People produce for the love of what they are doing not for the love of money.” I like Lessig’s argument that competition can create a balance… just as with the history of ASCAP and BMI demonstrated.

Both videos are well worth watching—several times. I love the non-Disney Video A Fair(y) Use Tale directed by Eric Faden.

The Creative Commons concept is amazing and so in line with the collaborative nature of Web 2.0. And, after watching the short video on how Creative Commons works -- the very first item I downloaded to read... The 2008 Horizon Report ... was copyrighted in the usual manner and then permission was granted under Creative Commons to replicate the report for noncommercial purposes.

Guggenheim, D. Forward to Bound by Law? Retrieved on June 27, 2008 from http://www.law.duke.edu/cspd/comics/digital.php

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Week 6 Thing 14

Technorati and Learning to Tag...

The number of bloggers and blogging entries captured by Technorati is staggering… I’m not sure I want to “get your blog listed as part of the blogosphere…” as Week 6 Thing 14 states… I am happy telling friends and colleagues about my blog—rather than blatantly publishing… but of course, as the Classroom Learning 2.0 blog continued and stated, … “your blog is probably already being captured by Technorati…”

In fact, Technorati is just too big.. way too much information…I had fun—as stated in Week 4 Thing 8 using Google’s Blog search as well.. I got lost again—spending way to much time just exploring.. sometimes not finding anything significant at all… Then I searched for Classroom Learning 2.0 on both Technorati and Google Blog Search…and actually, I had the same results with both… 1854 blogs listed with Tech… 1860 blogs.. with Google Blog search. How in the world does one get through all that??? My iGoogle homepage now has a box with just Classroom Learning 2.0 blog search data… which I can choose to look at—when time permits.. or ignore if I so choose—but it is there waiting for me… kind of nice…

I like being able to search for blogs on a specific topic—those blogs that have registered and tagged. I can definitely see the use of this as I get more proficient. Refining my blog posts to just a few key words is something I really need to practice. I’m sure as I ‘bite the bullet’ and start tagging routinely, my ability to tag appropriately will come easier… as with most things…

As I continued completing my requirement with this week's activities... #5 states "You may also want to consider claiming your blog and creating a watchlist." However, when I clicked the link to claiming I had to laugh... click and see why... I still don't know how to claim my blog... The watchlist seems to be the same idea as what I have set up with Google Blog search on my iGoogle home page...

Week 6 Thing 13

Delicious-- del.icio.us...

I have loved being able to access my Internet bookmarks from any computer—for several years… I began using backflip.com years ago (when I was teaching computers at Willow Elementary School) and was introduced to del.icio.us last year. I haven’t switched all my bookmarks from backflip.com yet but I think this summer would be a great time to organize and clean up my bookmarks. I enjoyed reviewing the del.icio.us tutorials —makes it easy for new users to understand. I need to spend time exploring the various tags, I really like the idea of categorizing items not only for my own use but for other teachers as well.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week 5 Thing 12

Rollyo-- Rolling where??? rolling why???

Okay, This assignment has me baffled... I must be missing something here. I spent too much time exploring Rollyo... and I'm sorry, I am not impressed. I attempted to create my own Rollyo search engine listing all sorts of useful websites for math help. It turned out okay- but I am not sure of the point. I took the URL's for these great sites from my backflip account-- which I have access anywhere as well. I attempted to add my newly created Rollyo search engine here but it appears as if the Rollyo pix below links to the main website...I need to think about this one to see if I can come up with uses for rollyo in my classroom.

Okay, more thoughts on Rollyo.. I can see how this tool could be advantageous in the classroom and on my classroom website. Students do tend to get lost (or waste time) on the Internet when searching for information... so do adults... so Rollyo could be a way to keep students focused on a selected search radius for a project. It SHOULD really be helpful... now to figure out how to get my specific Rollyo linked!! Any suggestions??:)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 5 Thing 11

I am in the middle of this one... I want to check out all sorts of things on this long list... not the short list so this post may be edited a great deal...

First.. I checked out "Im Cooked" ... a web community for video recipe sharing
Cook It, Film It, and Share it... I absolutely love this... I usually watch the Food Network show on TV-- whenever I am walking on the treadmill ( but I haven't been doing that much since I began doing Wii Fit...) but Im Cooked is great... anyone can post... and some of these have great recipes... others are quite comically...

Actually, I just realized that for the last two weeks I have been using a PB wiki for collaborating with other teachers across the United States. One of my assignments in my current class (With Walden U) was to collaborate with others on an Internet Project. I could not believe how easy it was to add as well as edit information on our document we were creating for our class. It was a great way to learn how to use a wiki -- and to realize how easily I can add this format to any team effort project assignment I might give to next year's classes. If you haven't checked out PB Wiki-- I really suggests you do!!

Google Docs is another incredible tool for collaborating with colleagues. I really want to introduce Google Docs to my students next year-- In fact, I think we need to introduce this to our fellow colleagues at LVUSD. I can think of a myriad of uses for Google Docs across the curriculum. Students and teachers would benefit from knowing how to use this fabulous tool.

Week 5 Thing 10

OMG-- online image generators.. what is next????
I had fun creating my own comic-- A Simpson's nerd asking a simple question.. using Comic Strip Generator. At first I had trouble getting the comic strip to post to this blog but with a little perseverance ... and luck.. I managed...

I know, I know... it isn't very funny... I'm a mathematician... what do you expect???.... but he is suppose to be the Simpson computer nerd ... so shouldn't he have a slide rule in his pocket?? What.... you don't know what a slide rule is used for... OMG... you are just too young...

Then I explored FD Toys and clicked on jigsaw...and created the puzzle from a photo taken the day the 8th graders went to Universal Studios-- the Friday before the huge fire at Universal Studios...

Had to keep going-- so I experimented with adding a double matte finish with beveled edges (using "Big Huge Labs") to a photo taken at the old Helm's bakery...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week 4 Thing 9

Locating a few MORE blogs..

...and I thought I had found enough blogs to keep me busy!! Luckily summer vacation is around the corner. I spent way too much time looking at all the fabulous blogs recommended in Thing 9.
k-12 Online Conference impressed me-- as did Ed Tech Journeys... and I found a fabulous Internet Project- Flat Classroom

I had already added Technorati to my Google Reader and have experienced difficulty keeping up with all that comes via Technorati.

Google also can add a Blog Search on any topic I choose-- I added "Classroom Learning 2.0" just to see what blogs are out there... So now on my iGoogle page not only do I have my Google Reader but I also have a Google Blog search just for this class...

I am amazed by the BlogPulse-- and its ability to track and find web blog conversations. (that technology is scary) ... it came up with 2007 different blogs that mentioned Classroom Learning 2.0 ... too many to check out so I used advanced search and narrowed the field a bit.. to just 23 ...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Week 4 Thing 8

Personal RSS Feed Reader

Whoa!! I had added Google Reader to my iGoogle right from the beginning of this class but at the time only added those in my cohort (from LVUSD) for this class. After Week 2 I got a little daring (yeh, right!?!) and added two of my favorites … But with this week’s assignment I went ahead and added several more that I had originally set up with Bloglines, one of the myriad of tech stuff I had learned about at CUE (March 2007, I think!!). I love getting notices on my iGoogle page letting me know who has a new posting.

In addition, I love Google's Blog search! I’m playing with this new search system and finding all sorts of interesting blogs—comics, educational, recipes, etc. As Dave Warlick states in his blog, “My aggregator just got bigger, and rivets are popping out in all directions.” And similar to my email in-box where I hate having unread mail, I feel guilty if there are any unread items in my rss reader in- box. Now, to keep up with all the new items coming my way…

I thought the video about RSS feeds was entertaining and educational so I checked out Lee LeFever at Common Craft Show and watched... Social Media in Plain English, Pod Casting, Twitter... I enjoyed each one... Check them out... if you haven't already at ... Common Craft Show

My favorite thing about Google Reader is the button called "Manage Friends" .. now if it could only ...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Week 3 Thing 7

It is rather difficult to choose one topic around technology... so first something FUN and then something EDUCATIONAL (not that educational isn't FUN) but I think you'll see what I mean with the following

First something FUN and new with technology…

My son gave me Wii Fit for Mother’s Day… and I can’t stop raving about it. I have always enjoyed exercising to … first the TV, then videos (Jane Fonda Workout), then CD’s and DVD (Slim ‘n Six, Kathy Smith, Power 90), so this latest technological gadget is right up my alley… There are activities in the areas of aerobics, yoga, strength training and even balance games.

I’m really working on the balance games—I am just horrible with a soccer ball – I was taught to pull away when something is thrown at me so trying to have my head hit the soccer balls just doesn’t make any sense to me at all!! At first I could not walk the tightrope but just yesterday I completed the walk—even jumping over the trap—in record time.

Wii Fit keeps track of your time and score each time—which normally is a good thing!! (My entire family is participating in this activity, except for Rick—we have created a Mii for him but he hasn’t started with Wii Fit. He prefers to go to the gym!!)

My absolutely favorites are found in the aerobics area. The step aerobic sessions are a good workout and I repeat them usually three times with each workout. I have never been a runner, but I am becoming one now!! I love the island run!! Just for fun, I ran ahead of my ‘trainer’ and then had to follow a cute little dog all around the island…

The strength and yoga areas are really amazing!! A demo is included to teach you how to do each pose or exercise—if you need instructions. There is even a meditation pose where you must attempt to sit still for 3 minutes—the wii fit board will track your ability!!

Wii Fit is really a remarkable technological gadget!! It is totally engaging!! You unlock more activities the more you workout. You really do get a workout!! It will calculate your BMI and present you with your Wii-Fit age ( most of the time it really makes me feel great!!)

I really recommend the Wii Fit--- go for it!!

Now something EDUCATIONAL.. and on my mind...

... since I am in the middle of an online class on using the Internet with students-- I think I will address effective instructional models using the web: Internet Workshop, Internet Project, Internet Inquiry, and Webquests!!

Although I had heard of-- and even created my own --Webquest (Summer of 2001 at Teach the Teachers Collaborative) I had never focused on the differences of Internet Workshop, Internet Project, and Internet Inquiry. Unless students have a clear purpose each time they sit down to use the Internet, much of the time students experience random, unconnected 'surfing' experiences. Much of it becomes a total waste of time!! Incorporating the Internet into my math classroom is something I plan on doing much more effectively this next school year. Integrating new literacies and the Internet into my math program will help realize all my students' potential for thinking mathematically. There is a myriad of incredible sites designed to engage them in noteworthy math experiences and I intend on tapping into that source. I can see how, with a small amount of time, I can tweak several of my current projects to encompass the Internet to a greater degree. The new literacies of the Internet are many times best developed in math through cross-curricular opportunities provided by the Internet Project or Internet Inquiry. My students need to develop the ability to think mathematically-- and the Internet Workshop, Internet Project and Internet Inquiry encourage them to work together to do just that!! Think Mathematically!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Week 3 Thing 6

My creation
Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
I used fd's Flickr Toys to create this trading card!! I had fun doing this exercise but haven't yet determine how I would use this in my math classes!! Maybe that will come...

Week 3 Thing 5 (continued)

Open House 2008
Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
Following the directions on Week 3 Thing 5 -- part b, I experimented with Flickr using one of the pictures taken as I readied Room D3 for Open House. I experimented with Piknik, a software designed to enhance photos. I could spend hours working with these programs... too bad school isn't out yet!!

Week 3 Thing 5


I created a free account in Flickr and then immediately wanted to upgrade -- I loved the idea of creating 'sets' of pictures and I could only have three with the free account. Then, however, I explored Picasa Web Album from Google and decided its interface quality was much easier to use for me. So I am switching to Picasa. I have created a number of web albums-- some public and others, with students' pictures, that are private.

Open House at LCMS May 21, 2008

Having spent numerous hours preparing for Open House trying to find a spot for each and every project completed this school year, I was delighted with parents' responses to our room. What fun it was to watch the pride students had as they took their parents around and pointed out all their different projects!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Week 3 Thing 5

Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
Along the Pratt Trail in Ojai

One of my most favorite hiking spots is along the Pratt Trail in Ojai. Although this grove of eucalyptus trees was severely trimmed last year because of the area's extreme fire danger, these magnificent trees have begun to fill-in again.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Week 2 Thing 4

Registering My Blog
According to the requirements I am to register my blog--- and according to May Ann I can register my blog with her... so I just emailed my blog address to Mary Ann... I hope that qualifies as registering... :)

Week 2 Thing 3

I don't find myself writing my thoughts on paper-- or on the computer -much-- I blame that on my focus of mathematics --- however, this class will be an excellent way to assist me in doing just that...

Now, which of the 7 1/2 habits is the easiest---hmmm... accepting responsibility for my own learning as always been an easy one for me. I have aways loved learning... always taken classes whether for credit or just because I wanted to learn yoga, scrap-booking, cooking, or sewing...

The hardest seems to be the most important PLAY!! I am trying to make sure I add play into my weekly activities-- right now, my play is hiking along trails either in Ojai or along the beach... That really recharges me and enables me to work the entire week... as long as I know I have a great hike on Sunday...

I had fun creating my avatar... I had tried creating an avatar before but I never used that one. I smile everytime I see my avatar... not sure why... but I like the youthfulness of it!! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 1 Thing 2

WOW!! I can't believe I have signed up for another course-- I am in the middle of obtaining my masters in education-- specializing in integrating technology in the classroom-- teaching 6/5's this year... no time for anything and I added an additional class!! But this class is so perfect-- it really does fit in with all that I am attempting to accomplish... I just need to figure out how to do everything on less sleep...