eBooks and Audio eBooks
I must say that I do not like reading any material of any substantial length—online. I tend to print out articles that I find online if they are longer than 5 pages—so I cannot imagine how I would utilize these resources for downloading any book to read on my computer. However, I am intrigued by Amazon’s new kindle device.
About one month ago, Kathy Shrock wrote about the kindle in her blog at http://kathyschrock.net/ blog/ 2008/ 06/ kathys-kindle.html and I had the opportunity to hold one in my hands—and play with it for a bit last week. I suppose if I was traveling extensively—that would be the way to read books. I checked out Plucker just to see what it could do—in case I did not want to ‘pluck’ down $400 for a kindle. I think I still like holding a book in two hands and turning the pages— I must just be set in my ways…
When I clicked on the British Library Online Gallery, I must say, I wasn’t sure what I would find—but what a find it was!! I couldn’t believe what I saw when I clicked on Jane Austen’s early work. I was baffled when I could use the mouse to turn the pages of her handwritten account of the history of
Now, when it comes to audiobooks—that is a different story!! I have been downloading audio books for my father – on his computer (using PC anywhere)—for a number of years. What a fabulous invention that is!! My father has lost most of his eyesight but has been part of a book club for years—and he did not want to give up something he enjoyed immensely—discussing books with others!! Audiobooks has enabled him to continue a passion of his—even as his eyesight failed him.
1 comment:
I'm so glad your father still enjoys reading through audio books. We tried to get my grandfather to listen to audio books and he refuses. Stubborn old coot!
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