Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 9 Thing 22

eBooks and Audio eBooks

I must say that I do not like reading any material of any substantial length—online. I tend to print out articles that I find online if they are longer than 5 pages—so I cannot imagine how I would utilize these resources for downloading any book to read on my computer. However, I am intrigued by Amazon’s new kindle device.

Photo of kathyschrockAbout one month ago, Kathy Shrock wrote about the kindle in her blog at blog/ 2008/ 06/ kathys-kindle.html and I had the opportunity to hold one in my hands—and play with it for a bit last week. I suppose if I was traveling extensively—that would be the way to read books. I checked out Plucker just to see what it could do—in case I did not want to ‘pluck’ down $400 for a kindle. I think I still like holding a book in two hands and turning the pages— I must just be set in my ways…

When I clicked on the British Library Online Gallery, I must say, I wasn’t sure what I would find—but what a find it was!! I couldn’t believe what I saw when I clicked on Jane Austen’s early work. I was baffled when I could use the mouse to turn the pages of her handwritten account of the history of England. I was equally impressed with the Golden Haggadah—but make sure you know to open this book from the left. I was impressed that the directions made sure the reader was aware of how Hebrew is written. Check this site out! I agree—this resource is AMAZING!!!

Now, when it comes to audiobooks—that is a different story!! I have been downloading audio books for my father – on his computer (using PC anywhere)—for a number of years. What a fabulous invention that is!! My father has lost most of his eyesight but has been part of a book club for years—and he did not want to give up something he enjoyed immensely—discussing books with others!! Audiobooks has enabled him to continue a passion of his—even as his eyesight failed him.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...


I'm so glad your father still enjoys reading through audio books. We tried to get my grandfather to listen to audio books and he refuses. Stubborn old coot!
