Monday, May 26, 2008

Week 3 Thing 6

My creation
Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
I used fd's Flickr Toys to create this trading card!! I had fun doing this exercise but haven't yet determine how I would use this in my math classes!! Maybe that will come...

Week 3 Thing 5 (continued)

Open House 2008
Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
Following the directions on Week 3 Thing 5 -- part b, I experimented with Flickr using one of the pictures taken as I readied Room D3 for Open House. I experimented with Piknik, a software designed to enhance photos. I could spend hours working with these programs... too bad school isn't out yet!!

Week 3 Thing 5


I created a free account in Flickr and then immediately wanted to upgrade -- I loved the idea of creating 'sets' of pictures and I could only have three with the free account. Then, however, I explored Picasa Web Album from Google and decided its interface quality was much easier to use for me. So I am switching to Picasa. I have created a number of web albums-- some public and others, with students' pictures, that are private.

Open House at LCMS May 21, 2008

Having spent numerous hours preparing for Open House trying to find a spot for each and every project completed this school year, I was delighted with parents' responses to our room. What fun it was to watch the pride students had as they took their parents around and pointed out all their different projects!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Week 3 Thing 5

Originally uploaded by JaniNelson
Along the Pratt Trail in Ojai

One of my most favorite hiking spots is along the Pratt Trail in Ojai. Although this grove of eucalyptus trees was severely trimmed last year because of the area's extreme fire danger, these magnificent trees have begun to fill-in again.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Week 2 Thing 4

Registering My Blog
According to the requirements I am to register my blog--- and according to May Ann I can register my blog with her... so I just emailed my blog address to Mary Ann... I hope that qualifies as registering... :)

Week 2 Thing 3

I don't find myself writing my thoughts on paper-- or on the computer -much-- I blame that on my focus of mathematics --- however, this class will be an excellent way to assist me in doing just that...

Now, which of the 7 1/2 habits is the easiest---hmmm... accepting responsibility for my own learning as always been an easy one for me. I have aways loved learning... always taken classes whether for credit or just because I wanted to learn yoga, scrap-booking, cooking, or sewing...

The hardest seems to be the most important PLAY!! I am trying to make sure I add play into my weekly activities-- right now, my play is hiking along trails either in Ojai or along the beach... That really recharges me and enables me to work the entire week... as long as I know I have a great hike on Sunday...

I had fun creating my avatar... I had tried creating an avatar before but I never used that one. I smile everytime I see my avatar... not sure why... but I like the youthfulness of it!! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 1 Thing 2

WOW!! I can't believe I have signed up for another course-- I am in the middle of obtaining my masters in education-- specializing in integrating technology in the classroom-- teaching 6/5's this year... no time for anything and I added an additional class!! But this class is so perfect-- it really does fit in with all that I am attempting to accomplish... I just need to figure out how to do everything on less sleep...