Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week 5 Thing 12

Rollyo-- Rolling where??? rolling why???

Okay, This assignment has me baffled... I must be missing something here. I spent too much time exploring Rollyo... and I'm sorry, I am not impressed. I attempted to create my own Rollyo search engine listing all sorts of useful websites for math help. It turned out okay- but I am not sure of the point. I took the URL's for these great sites from my backflip account-- which I have access anywhere as well. I attempted to add my newly created Rollyo search engine here but it appears as if the Rollyo pix below links to the main website...I need to think about this one to see if I can come up with uses for rollyo in my classroom.

Okay, more thoughts on Rollyo.. I can see how this tool could be advantageous in the classroom and on my classroom website. Students do tend to get lost (or waste time) on the Internet when searching for information... so do adults... so Rollyo could be a way to keep students focused on a selected search radius for a project. It SHOULD really be helpful... now to figure out how to get my specific Rollyo linked!! Any suggestions??:)


Jane, TL in the classroom said...

I haven't used Rollo for anything practical. I did end up using Google custom search -- which is very similar in features, and, of course, more familiar for students -- for one project. I used it to create a search for history day primary sources. I haven't done any others so far, but do think it can be a good idea if you want students to search several or lots of different specific sites.

Mr. Pont said...

Hi Jane,

At first glance I thought about Rollyo the same way you did. How is this useful. But, just like you, I also came to the conclusion that this would be a great tool for the students to keep them focussed and also to make sure the content is safe.

You can take the code like you put it on the blog page directly into page. So when you have an assignment which reuires students to look up stuff on the net, you can include the rollyo in the assignment :)