Sunday, December 20, 2009

THinGS I NeeD to CHeCK OuT

THinGS I Need to CHeCK Out oVEr WIntER BReAK!!

Some neat apps, or tools I've stumbled across... and want to remember...

Tiny url-- create a shortened url --especially when one is way too long to post on blogs or forums.. Tiny URL

Put your friends' faces on your background of twitter Twilk

needing to understand La TeX found this website Getting Started With LaTeX

Maybe creating a cheat sheet with the most commonly used latex instructions for math operators/symbols might be the solution. I mean... remembering that I need "$\leq$" surround by the latex code to represent the mathematical "less than or equal's sign"

OMG-- I totally forgot about Zoho Writer.. so glad I had a chance to review. I can easily keyboard my notes from class--into Zoho and post to the mathcounts4ever blog straight from Zoho-- and keep the math type!! looks to good to be true!! WooHoo!!

Zoho Writer.. and so much more

Removing the "Next Blog" (and the Nav Tool) on my Classroom Blog (not this one) took some time. I had to find three specific lines in the Layout using html-- and they just seemed to elude me. Finally located those three lines towards the bottom of the html But followed instructions -- Success. Find instructions at The Real Blogger Status

However, this is causing some difficulty.. now I can't seem to easily get back to edit my own blogs..

Sprixi free pictures creative commons, etc.. great source of pix

Twitlonger just what I need when I can't fit my words into 140 characters

How to find anything on the Internet

Eric's bookmarks... I have it but just incase...Esheninger
Great Research Web 2.0 Cool Tools for School

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